Online Grocery Delivery Data Story

Data Visualization // Presentation

Creating a story utilizing factual research is a key component to projects completed through design management coursework. Completed as a group collaboration project, the team was interested in online grocery delivery services short-term and long-term trends. Through weeks of academic documented research, compelling data revealed that there were many trends created by the COVID-19 pandemic. While initially the pandemic may have sped up online grocery adoption, there was also an evolution showing that grocery delivery has become engrained in the U.S. way of life. There are numerous factors that contribute to the rise, including willingness to pay, affluent households, and overall convenience is unmatched.

Collaboration team: Helena Chien & Aishwarya Deshmukh

The team created two static data visualization stories, intended for review in a corporate driven environment and larger display presentation. The team relied on limited color palettes to create visual cohesion, and the development of numerous icons to simplify messaging. In addition to the static visuals created a video presentation with animated data points was created to present the data story message in a cohesive way.

The team also was interested in how this delivery method could be utilized to help alleviate food deserts, (areas with low access to fresh, healthy food) in the US. With more widespread internet and service options for delivery, it may be possible to create broader food networks to help increase fresh food access.


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